Lena Horne
více zCelebrity
(50.080022, 14.429666)
Street View
Co je street view? Street view prináší pohled do ulic nasnímaný firmou Google. Tyto pohledy jsou vlastne panoramatické zábery s rozsahem 360° horizontálne a 290° vertikálne.Fotografie porízené pro street view jsou pospojovány za sebou po nekolika metrech, takže streetview výhled mužeme otácet do všech smeru.
..Google streetview funguje tak, že zamíríme místo a necháme na uživateli, aby ho mohl presouvat, približovat nebo jinak ovlivnovat.
a tedy podniknout virtuální 3d procházku po svete. Street view je soucástí map od Google a byl spušten nejdríve pro vybraná mesta v USA 25.5.2007. V cR je možné podnikat virtuální toulky s Google od 7.10.2009.
zp�t na seznam vl�ken
Manìtín, zalo�eno 2015-05-25 14:26:52
Počet zpráv: 1
Počet zpráv: 1
Otev�en� vl�kno:
Manìtín, zalo�eno 2015-05-25 14:26:52
Manìtín na streetview
dqM8oaiKB, 2016-08-11 07:27:48
Our corporate logo was updated around the millennium. The colour combination was retained, but the font was updated and a new figuremark added. It was a good change, because the old one was something like or — it screamed 19072#824&s cowboy movie. The new one is based on a modified and is much cleaner and a better fit to our core business (scientific equipment). I don’t know the designer of our new logo, but they got it right.
Manìtín, zalo�eno 2015-05-25 14:26:52
Manìtín na streetview
dqM8oaiKB, 2016-08-11 07:27:48
Our corporate logo was updated around the millennium. The colour combination was retained, but the font was updated and a new figuremark added. It was a good change, because the old one was something like or — it screamed 19072#824&s cowboy movie. The new one is based on a modified and is much cleaner and a better fit to our core business (scientific equipment). I don’t know the designer of our new logo, but they got it right.