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Street View
Co je street view? Street view prináší pohled do ulic nasnímaný firmou Google. Tyto pohledy jsou vlastne panoramatické zábery s rozsahem 360° horizontálne a 290° vertikálne.Fotografie porízené pro street view jsou pospojovány za sebou po nekolika metrech, takže streetview výhled mužeme otácet do všech smeru.
..Google streetview funguje tak, že zamíríme místo a necháme na uživateli, aby ho mohl presouvat, približovat nebo jinak ovlivnovat.
a tedy podniknout virtuální 3d procházku po svete. Street view je soucástí map od Google a byl spušten nejdríve pro vybraná mesta v USA 25.5.2007. V cR je možné podnikat virtuální toulky s Google od 7.10.2009.
zp�t na seznam vl�ken
podìbrady, zalo�eno 2009-10-21 11:32:55
Počet zpráv: 1
Počet zpráv: 1
Otev�en� vl�kno:
podìbrady, zalo�eno 2009-10-21 11:32:55
podìbrady na streetview
EzGy, 2012-07-16 01:27:35
This league has a stnorg chance of succeeding . The first reason is the demand in non-NFL cities. The first 8 cities should be L.A. Las Vegas, Memphis, San Antonio, Birmingham, Orlando, Chicago, New York and Fort Worth. The AFL should pursue the NFL free agents, Arena Football players and college players. Also, as bad as it may sound, the AFL must pursue suspended NFL players. Is there a possiblity of adding Canadian cities in future? Yes, the AFL should play from October to March. Its going to take years to establish a fan base but in the end it will happen soon than later. I remember attending USFL games in Chicago and Memphis and they were great. They also had great names like the Chicago Blitz and the Memphis Showboats. If television was like it is now back then, the USFL might have merged with the NFL or still be in existence.
podìbrady, zalo�eno 2009-10-21 11:32:55
podìbrady na streetview
EzGy, 2012-07-16 01:27:35
This league has a stnorg chance of succeeding . The first reason is the demand in non-NFL cities. The first 8 cities should be L.A. Las Vegas, Memphis, San Antonio, Birmingham, Orlando, Chicago, New York and Fort Worth. The AFL should pursue the NFL free agents, Arena Football players and college players. Also, as bad as it may sound, the AFL must pursue suspended NFL players. Is there a possiblity of adding Canadian cities in future? Yes, the AFL should play from October to March. Its going to take years to establish a fan base but in the end it will happen soon than later. I remember attending USFL games in Chicago and Memphis and they were great. They also had great names like the Chicago Blitz and the Memphis Showboats. If television was like it is now back then, the USFL might have merged with the NFL or still be in existence.