Times Square, New York ←Move left→Move right↑Move up↓Move down+Zoom in-Zoom out This image is no longer available Rotate the view Keyboard shortcutsMap DataImage may be subject to copyrightTermsReport a problem Kategorie: Nezařazené Souřadnice: 40.758528, -73.9849916 Náklon (Yaw): 10.64659986187695 Náklon (Pitch): -10
Miami Beach 1016 Ocean Dr, Miami, FL, United States ←Move left→Move right↑Move up↓Move down+Zoom in-Zoom out This image is no longer available Rotate the view Keyboard shortcutsMap DataImage may be subject to copyrightTermsReport a problem Kategorie: Nezařazené Souřadnice: 25.7806024, -80.1306073 Náklon (Yaw): 10.64659986187695 Náklon (Pitch): -10
Golden Gate ←Move left→Move right↑Move up↓Move down+Zoom in-Zoom out This image is no longer available Rotate the view Keyboard shortcutsMap DataImage may be subject to copyrightTermsReport a problem Kategorie: Nezařazené Souřadnice: 37.8090173, -122.4770822 Náklon (Yaw): 10.64659986187695 Náklon (Pitch): -10