- hlavní strana
Na Streetview si můžete pro Vaší dovolenou vyhledat zajímavá místa a vybrat si velmi pěkné ubytování Lednice nebo ubytování Zaječí ve spolupráci s portálem Tyto obce a celý region jsou navštěvovány hlavně pro vinařství i historickou hodnotu.

11,10.64659986187695,,0,-10 name2

Salma Hayek

KopvrYDddMWCnqCmA, 2012-12-08 19:54:36
Is there any feedback page for this app? I coudln find one. I think it would be a great idea to have the possibility to disable shadows, or at least to adjust them. Right now, to my eyes, the shadows are very confusing (they e very dark and it creates an illusion of being the same with building faces). When they first introduced shadows I was like: what the hell is this?? But its just my eyes, maybe you see it different. Cheers, and congratulations for the Google Maps Team!

pRsXNFsvzhaIwCgJYx, 2012-12-10 08:37:58
Hi,I am very interested in your RC car built from the NXT Mindstorm. Do you have any buldiing guide for the car? Or some close up pictures of the car that you can share with me.Thank you very much!

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