Suzanne Vega
UoSwuwcD, 2013-06-22 09:42:45
Dobrfd den Jakube.Re1da bych se Ve1s zeptala na douÄove1ned z mtatmaeiky, fyziky, ev. obÄas angliÄtina ?Me1m syna na ZÅ ve VinoÅ™i, take9 Jakuba v VIII tÅ™eddÄ›. Bydledme v Podolance. Je to klasickfd vysme1tfd teenager a je1 mu nejsem schopne1 pomoci ve vfdÅ¡e uvedenfdch pÅ™edmÄ›tech ( v AJ ano, ale jako matka se nechyte1m). O farovni vinoÅ™.Å¡koly se nechci vyjadÅ™ovat, do teÄ ne1m pome1hala babiÄka-profesorka , ale onemocnÄ›la. Jakubovi ze1jmy jsou-PC ( jak jinak) kluci,holky a street dance.To ostatned mused jedt pod tlakem.Dedky za odpovÄ›Ä. Mudr.Å tÄ›pe1nove1 M.
NwBvPibsOXDg, 2013-06-22 17:32:49
All along 4th there is a problem with exsiitng left turn lanes in that many drivers dont move all the way into the lane, thereby blocking traffic or forcing cars to swerve into the next lane to get around them. I dont mean when the lane is crowded, I mean even if there is only one car and they move there car and leave it in a diagonal position.